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Tips to Put Together an LLC Operating Agreement for Your Real Estate Investment Business

Starting a real estate investment business can be a lucrative opportunity, especially in communities where the housing prices keep escalating. However, if you plan on investing in real estate, there...

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Financing a C-Corporation with a 401(k)

If you’re a small business owner who is looking into ways to finance your company, you might’ve looked into using a Rollover for Business Startups, or ROBS. With ROBS, you can use funds from your...


Are You a Single-Owner LLC in Kansas? Understand Your Tax Breaks

When Benjamin Franklin said, "Nothing is certain except for death and taxes,” he meant that we can't avoid either. Unfortunately, one more certainty is that tax laws will always be there to confuse...


Quickly Discover How Incorporating an LLC Can Save Money on Taxes (Using an S Corporation Tax Calculator)

Tax season might’ve passed for this year, but it’s never too late to think about how you can save money on next year's taxes! One key way small business owners can do this is by forming an S...


Understanding Your Business License Needs: Cost & Renewal

Tons of things are just plain exciting when you're dreaming about starting your own business: What are you going to call it? What is the store front going to look like? What products are going to...


If Your Business Is Expanding, It's Time to Incorporate

Deciding to form an LLC is usually a good idea when you are first starting a business. But even if you are already operating a successful business, forming an LLC or making other changes to your...


Digital Nomads: Here’s Your Quick Guide to Finances & Taxes and Your Remote Business

You need money to run a successful digital nomad business because trips across the world don't pay for themselves. Here are our six tips on staying financially healthy as a digital nomad.


Steps to Take Before & After You Get a Washington State Business License

If you're considering getting a Washington state business license, it's probably because you either (a) are about to move there with your current business, or (b) already live there and want to...


​Quick Business Tip: Understanding the Differences Between LLC vs. Inc.

Chances are you've seen countless business names with the letters "LLC" or "Inc." at the end. Maybe you never gave them a second thought...until now, when you're planning to start your own...


​Does an LLC Have Stock & Shareholders?

An LLC or Limited Liability Company is a special tax classification issued to non-Corporate entities that allows them to assign members, but not designate shareholders. Even an LLC that is taxed as...