1 (888) 462-3453

Obtaining a Texas Sales Tax Permit the Uncomplicated Way

Whether you're already based in Texas and are planning to start a business or are considering moving your business to the Lone Star State, getting your Texas sales tax permit will likely be a...


Avoid These 15 IRS Filing Mistakes This Tax Season

Hear that? It’s the sound of the clock, ticking down to Tax Day. It might sound like a doomsday clock if you’re running behind on getting your documents and information in order, but it doesn’t have...


Can an LLC Issue Multiple K-1s?

While you might know what a Schedule K-1 tax form is, you might not know if you can issue multiple K-1 forms if you have an LLC. Here’s how a K-1 tax form comes into play when you have multiple...


Registration Forms Required for an LLC

The world of entrepreneurship is one of excitement and fulfillment, but it's also (for better or worse) one of paperwork. As the owner of your own business, that's something you'll learn from day one.


If My LLC Closes, What Happens to My 401(k)?

If you’re a business owner who is deciding to close your business and stop business operations for your LLC, you might wonder what happens to your 401(k), SEP IRA or other retirement savings...


What Is the W-8BEN Form and How Can I Use It When Working with Businesses Outside the U.S.?

We live in a global economy, so when a global crisis — like a pandemic — hits, the repercussions are felt in every corner of our world. For business owners, especially those who operate...