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How to File a New York DBA on Your Own

When you start a business, one of the first things you will likely find yourself doing is picking the perfect business name. However, you may also need a DBA (“Doing Business As”) to accommodate...


Do You Need a DBA If You Want to Sell Online?

Ecommerce, or online shopping, has been growing steadily for over a decade. Getting what you want has become as easy as unlocking your smartphone and going to an online retailer for, well, just...


What Is a Fictitious Business Name vs. a DBA vs. an Assumed Business Name?

What’s in a name? If you’re starting a new business, it turns out the answer is “a lot.” Whenever you start a company, you always face the critical decision about what to name it. Whether you have a


Can Corporations Have More Than One DBA?

Have you filed your LLC under one name, but now wish you had chosen a different one? Have you realized you need to market your S Corporation's goods under multiple names to reach your customers...


Do DBAs Expire? How Do You Find Out If Yours Has?

There are many things you can do to help your business be successful. Using a DBA name is a choice many business owners make to brand and grow their company. However, it's not as simple as filing...


Should You Have a DBA or an LLC for Your Remote Business?

The business landscape in America and across the world has significantly changed in 2020. The United States has moved from having one of the strongest global economies to struggling with massive...


How to Choose a Business Name That Already Exists in Another State

What’s in a name? Well, when it comes to getting your new business off to the right start — plenty. The name you choose for your Limited Liability Company (LLC) or other type of business needs to...


Understanding DBAs for Nonprofits

Whatever your industry, you’re certain to encounter a ton of challenges even before you get your new company off the ground. After all, the decisions you make during this critical stage will have...


​Watch Out for DBA Renewal Companies — They Could Be a Scam

Unfortunately, scammers are targeting all sorts of people these days, and business owners are no exception. One area of particular vulnerability we've seen is so-called "DBA renewal companies,"...