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What Is a Fictitious Business Name vs. a DBA vs. an Assumed Business Name?

What’s in a name? If you’re starting a new business, it turns out the answer is “a lot.” Whenever you start a company, you always face the critical decision about what to name it. Whether you have a


Easy Ways to Build a Website for New Entrepreneurs

A website is a necessity for any entrepreneur or small business owner, but even more so when you’re just starting out. A great business website allows you to be found and contacted while giving...


Picking the Right Name for an LLC

Starting your own LLC is fraught with important decisions, but one of the most fundamental is what to name your company. Of course, your product or service and the team you choose are central to...


The 5 Most Successful Businesses That Appeared on Shark Tank

It's Sunday night, and you're tuning in to one of your favorite shows: Shark Tank. As you sit there watching, you think to yourself, “I should definitely go on this show!” Your mind races through...


Understanding DBAs for Nonprofits

Whatever your industry, you’re certain to encounter a ton of challenges even before you get your new company off the ground. After all, the decisions you make during this critical stage will have...


Can Corporations Have More Than One DBA?

Have you filed your LLC under one name, but now wish you had chosen a different one? Have you realized you need to market your S Corporation's goods under multiple names to reach your customers...


​Business Naming Strategies You Have to Know

A strong brand name is the cornerstone of any business. When launching a new business, a strong name can help you attract and connect with customers. It can lead to buzz, increase recall, and...


​Watch Out for DBA Renewal Companies — They Could Be a Scam

Unfortunately, scammers are targeting all sorts of people these days, and business owners are no exception. One area of particular vulnerability we've seen is so-called "DBA renewal companies,"...